Kailyn Kalana
Ms. Hanna Hays
Center High School
*The time when I got kicked out of my house*
Walking around didn't know what was wrong,
There's this nervous piece inside me,
Thought I was in trouble, didn't know what I did wrong,
Walk back home, feel like something is wrong,
I smell cupcakes that just got out of the oven,
Walks inside, dad tells me to pack my clothes,
Everyone has bad energy all around me,
I feel like I did something wrong, I hear arguing,
I ask what all happened my dad said she's just crap,
My heart dropped, I'm glad didn't do anything wrong,
But the sadness is all around, heartbroken from all
what been said, Don't really know what to say,
all I can do is give a dirty look, I became speechless,
There's arguing, there's like bad vibes around me,
me and my dad starts leaving the house,
We turn up the music, there's still sadness, we start
talking, We kept on driving to my Nana’s…. When
we got to my Nana's house all you can smell is her
pumpkin cherry pie scentsy, Like you can feel a little
of happiness and warmness, but we asked where can we sleep,
My nana told my dad to sleep in his old room and me sleep in
My aunt's old room. Start unpacking and then my dad walks in the room,
And tells me “kk everything will start to be okay, we will be back
home soon.”