M. D. Friedman is a poet, musician, teacher, photographer, videographer, digital artist, publisher and web designer from Lafayette, Colorado. He has published five volumes of his own poetry, was the winner of the New Zealand Poetry Society Poetry Contest in 2008 and has been widely published on the internet and in small press magazines. His award-winning digital art, photographs, fanciful water colors and experimental videos have appeared in numerous juried shows around the region and his musical recordings include over a 20 albums featuring his original songs and compositions. His new genre digital poetry represents the artistic fusion of all his creative pursuits at once. He is also the founder of the popular Internet Poets' Cooperative website and executive editor for Liquid Light Press specializing in publishing premium chapbooks of poetry that speak to the heart. His personal web site,, offers access to all of M. D. Friedman's creative ventures. You may write him at mdATpoetscoopDOTorg.