
From the seventies, Deborah Russell has been writing poetry. Russell is an artist/poet, in Fort Collins, Colorado, and is available as a visiting writer/artist for schools, workshops and poetry venues. Her experience includes outreach programs with elementary schools (public and private) and home school associations. Russell is the mother of three daughters and the grandmother of four granddaughters and four grandsons. She has worked as a substitute teacher, arts education specialist and gallery owner.

In the past five years, Russell has traveled throughout the US and Japan, reading poetry and prose, with attention to free verse, cinquain, haibun, senryu, tanka and haiku. She is a member of the World Haiku Club ( Oxford, England), life member of the World Congress of Poets (CA), the Haiku Society of America and the Anglo-Japanese Tanka Society.

She was awarded a Haiku certificate from the Basho Memorial Museum, Ueno City, Japan, and a certificate/award from Iga Town, Basho-o Kensho Kai & Iga Board of Education. Works online can be seen on pedogocial websites, including: Fiera Lingue (Padovia University, Italy), World Tempos Journal (Gifu, Japan), Temps Libres (France), Charnwood Arts (UK), World Haiku Review and many poetry journals in the USA, England, Scotland, Germany, France, Italy, Pakistan, India, Russia, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Japan and China. Although Russell is monolinguistic, her published works have been translated in Xhosa, Afrikanns, Portugese, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Urdu and Chinese.