Brenda Wildrick

Brenda Wildrick


Brenda Wildrick, poet and visual artist, active member of Columbine Poets of Colorado and the Arizona State Poetry Society, has won contests sponsored by each of these societies. Her work has appeared in two Columbine Poets anthologies. She has a winning poem published in the Arizona Poetry Society’s 2022 Sandcutters anthology and four winning poems included in the 2023 Sandcutters anthology.

Wildrick has shared over 100 poems, stories, and drawings on and has been leading the Tumbleweeds poetry group in her hometown since 2011. Wildrick frequently reads her work at open mic events.

Her first book of poems, On the Train for Somewhere Else, was published in November 2023. She has also published a coloring book. The coloring book is called The Color of Hope and includes a haiku poem for each image. Both were published by Wild Rising Press and are available on Amazon,, Barnes and Noble, and other retailers.