Song of the Rockies

The Rockies sing to us at sunrise

when crystal snow-capped peaks
chant iridescent matins to the dawn,
the dawn of a fresh new mountain day.

Luminous pastel clouds
hover across the horizon
painting the hills and valleys below
in mysterial shades of
lavender, amber and rose.

The Rockies sing to us at daybreak
when every crest and vale
unites in raising anthems to the dawn,
The dawn of a bright new mountain morn.

Forests and fields awaken.
A bull elk grazes by an alpine lake.
An eagle soars through the morning mist
over rainbows of mountain paintbrush.
A hilltop lake spills over its rim
and cascades down the slope
etching serpentine streams in the valley below.

We can hear the mountains singing.
In every creature, ridge and flower
They bring to us their jubilant songs
of wilderness, wildlife and wonder

We can hear the Rockies singing.
The mountains sing forever!

(from Wilderness Reflections)