The Game of . . .

One pair of hands pressed together (as in prayer)
opens at the thumbs to accept the hands of another
pair, whose oyster holds a button to drop inside
or hold onto for the next, or the next, or the next,
in the circle of the game where all are yearning
to feel – to be the one who keeps and then releases
into the hands of a chosen soul this secret thrill
only those two know, until the circle is complete and
the cry comes out, “Button, button, who’s got the button?”
It’s all in
how you hold
your two hands
after the
moment of
the button
or nothing –
how to keep
the secret
between you
long enough
by feigning
the extra
a button
would create
in the eyes
of players
to guess right,
that you might
win the chance
next time to
be the one
holding this
precious pearl,
just to feel
your own hands
slip inside
each pair of
waiting hands
yours, hoping
to feel you
letting go.