Instructions (Not Answers)

For Donna Wise Coombs

*Why Death?*

You are asking the wrong question. Pay attention: stay amazed.
For example, spring: you say it is renewal

but it is actually science fiction, an uncanny valley,
the closest the botanical comes to flesh.

Look: the buds pop out of acid-yellow and poison-green stems,
fake-looking, false; and then pass for fur, kittens, rabbits.

Feel the skin on the pale leaves that sprout, this morning,
soft and curiously warm as a palm.

Note that the air is no temperature: that breeze is breath.
Put your ear to the ground and shiver at the stones' shuddering pulses.
Trace the skein back. Enumerate, detail.
Attend within. This, is It.

~Luna Luna, October 2018