Girls are coming out of the water

(winner of 2021 Anne Halley Poetry Prize) Published in Massachusetts Review (Winter 2020)

A child walks the familiar road.
A body is found at the mile mark.
          they do not suspect foul play.
          they say she was Not Afraid.

Say we are not afraid
Say we are not afraid
Say I am not afraid
          and because we understand the need
to maintain appearances
          and because we understand the in/
significance of our own threat/
                    of disappearing

Say I am Not Afraid.

Wear only red /each day
          another goes missing

Wear red and
          they will think of what to do with you
                    what they’d like to do
          with us in our red dress.

Very well, be red like a plague
          like a body/
                    of red water rising/
          a name held in red rising
                    in the throats before
channels close.

Be red like the mouth
          spitting fire in the Pacific.

Be the one made mother
          in the beginning.

Be the one made to break
          to scatter light to every window-
less interior.

Be fire
          born of the sea.

Be fire
          lit with each strike.