Jennifer Fossenbell

Selected Print Bibliography
- 2 poems in The Avenue, Issue VIII (print): “Beijing Poem: In Jintailu Station” and “Beijing Poem: Donghuqu Station”
- 1 poem in Black Warrior Review, Issue 45.1 (print): “Kaleidoscope || Colony”
- 1 poem “As Long As We Are Too Other” in Gigantic Sequins, Issue 7.1 (print)
- 2 poems in Small Po[r]tions, Issue 5 (print): “Invasive Species” and “The Easy Way to Dream Into the Future”
- Wild Under the Sky: Selected Poems by Hữu Thỉnh, co-translated with Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, Vietnam Writers’ Association Press (2015, print)
- The Human Field by Trần Quang Quý, co-translated with Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai, Vietnam Writers’ Association Press (2009, print collection)