Split Heart

My heart has always been split
My Purkinje fibers are the tall heartland blue grasses
That sway in the humid breeze
While fireflies show off their ember glow
In a flirtatious dance beneath the moonlight
My tricuspid valve is the Sahara Desert with its
Glistening dunes that shift and turn in the wind
The home of powerful alchemists who can read
The flight of the hawks and turn blood into water
My aorta is the dark zone
The deep ocean floor where towers of
Ghostly crustaceans cling to sulfide vents
Where bioluminescent Leviathans lure
Unsuspecting eels into deadly brine pools
My coronary artery is the Redwood Forrest
Where the sagging bramble of dense blackberry bushes
Whisper to one another as the fog rolls in from the bay
My ventricles are the chamisa and prickly pear llano
Of my childhood home where the jack rabbit was my
Spirit guide and La Llorona visited my dreams

My heart is split
It always has been
I hope it always will be