Deborah Kelly
- Pine Row Poetry, River Heron Review, Plant-Human Quarterly, KHÔRA, Isele
- Quarterly, Asymptote, Thalia Magazine, Alternating Currents , Northern Colorado
- Writers Anthology, Fourth River Review, Stonecoast Review, The Bombay Gin, and The Art of Fungi Magazine.
- Several others have appeared in columns by Art Goodtimes in The Telluride Watch.
- Not My Darkness, Finalist, Northwest Review Prize, judged by Major Jackson
- Metabolic, Finalist, Punt Volat Award for Poetry
- Postcards to Ilya Kaminsky, Finalist, La Piccioleta Barca Competition
- Mississippi/Minnesota, Wundor Editions Award for Innovative Poetry
- Brother on the Bridge, Semi-finalist, Telluride Institute.