White River Electric: The Break Room

At the old electric Co-op life is simple.
At 4:30, they trickle in a few at a time.
The linemen trod pearly tile
with mud-caked, steel-toed boots.
The janitor stumbles in,
Hodgkin's biting at once sturdy legs.
The oil-stained mechanic rests in the corner,
a smile framed on his humble face.
The summer help arrives in
cutoffs and baggy jeans.
Around a large break table,
done for the day-
The scene comes to life.
Toby Keith's "I Love This Bar"
blares throughout the room.
Lets get this game started
an ambitious lineman yells,
Busch Light in hand.
The janitor trembles shuffling the greasy deck
adorned by a sexy blonde Centerfold.
He deals one by one,
nickels and dimes roll to table center.
The cool head lineman peeks over his hand.
Slowly he outbids his cocky, young opponent.
O...I guess ill raise ya fifty cents.
I'll put you all in!
Immersed in confidence,
the summer helper sits strong with
three ladies winking at him.
What's this kid trying to pull over here?
My Lord, I guess I'll call you.

Reluctance pads the boy's confidence.
Flashing his yellow-stained teeth,
He turns the Queens.
Beat that old man!

The lineman chuckles revealing his cards.
Aces over Deuces, Full House.
Better luck next time, young buck.
