Joseph Murphy

- Another Language, Shanti Arts, (2021)
- The Shaman Speaks, Middle Creek Publishing (2019)
- Shoreline of the Heart, Shanti Arts (2019)
- Having Lived, Kelsay Books (2018)
- Crafting Wings, Scars Publications (2017)
- Along the Beach, Of Sun and Sand (Kind of Hurricane Press, 2015)
- Black Ice, The Four Seasons (Kind of Hurricane Press, 2018)
- The Hope, Lost and Found Anthology (Third Street Writers,2018)
- The Shaman Visits the House of Dust, the Shaman and the Goddess, Crossing the River, An Anthology in Honor of Sacred Journeys (2012)
- Above Kloppenhiem, Broad River Review (2010)
- After a Fire at A Jewelry Store, Loch Raven Review (2010)
- Appearances, Plainsong Magazine (2019)
- As It Is, Freshwater (2011)
- The Alien, Claudius Speaks (2017)
- A Light That Clings, Whistling Fire (2011)
- Along the Coast, WestWard Quarterly, (2020)
- At Sea, Third Wednesday (2012)
- A Short, Sweet Season, Vox Poetica (2020)
- Back Home, Magic, Chantarelle’s Notebook (2009)
- Back on the Island, Sugar House Review (2010)
- Beatitude, The Talon Magazine (2010), Lady Jane’s Miscellany (2010)
- Big River, California Quarterly
- Birdland Baby, Third Wednesday (2012)
- Becoming Kim, Vanilla (2010)
- Black Jack, The Tower Journal (2009)
- The Bowstring, Amethyst Arsenic (2011)
- Big Mike, Northwind (2013)
- Breaking Point, Memory House (September 2017)
- Buddha’s Cloak, Verbal Arts (2019)
- The Call, Let Death Keep, Connotation Press (2009)
- Celebration of Being, I Feel Love Silver, Hoping You Will Miss Nothing,
Isacoustic (2019)
- Compass, Writer’s Cafe Magazine (2019)
- The Convent, Flutter Poetry Journal (2008)
- Danny Boy, Vanilla (2010)
- The Departure, Sprout Magazine (2014)
- The Descent, Vox Poetica (2010)
- The Desoto, Vox Poetica (2010)
- Drawing Toward You, Your Chalice, Tigershark Magazine (2019)
- Doris, Seven Circles Press (2018)
- Failure to See The Stars, Our Wings Held Steady, Leaving the Path, A Discovery, Breathing Freely, Ginosko Literary Review
- Father and Son, Your Daily Poem (2009)
- For Emily, Your Footprints, Comrades Adelaide (2018)
- The Gate, GMC, Nine Muses Poetry, (2020)
- The Grass Fort, That Fateful Year, Poet Magazine (2021)
- Greensky Hill, The Externalist (2007)
- Hitch Hiker, Crazy Lady, Willows Wept Review (2019)
- Hull Down, Northwind (2013)
- Hurricane, The Closed Eye Open, (2021)
- Illusions, TAB (2013)
- In Marshall, The Ann Arbor Review (2013)
- The Journey, Poetry Quarterly (2011)
- The Lesson, The Pangolin Review (2021)
- Learning to Dance, The Ann Arbor Review (2013)
- Reflections, Reach for the World, Serenade Andante, Legends
Literary Journal (2017)
- Let Death Keep, Connotation Press (2009)
- Line of Duty, Waterways (2010)
- Lost Coast, Grasslimb (2011)
- Lost, Overwhelmed, Separation, Ink in Thirds
- Melody and Soil, The Summerset Review (2010)
- Memorial Day, The Ambassador Poetry Project (2009)
- Morning, Bethlehem Writer’s Roundtable
- My Slender Oars, Wilderness House Review (2010)
- The Navigators, Vox Poetica (2009)
- Never Again, Icicles, Ted Ate America (2018)
- Night Vision, Poetry Quarterly (2010)
- Now, Temenos (2018)
- Now and Then, Burningword (2013)
- O Life, Westward Quarterly (2009)
- One Morning, Connotation Press (2009), Living Poets (2010)
- One Step Further, Connotation Press (2009)
- The Other Shore, SP Quill (2009)
- Our New Voices, Poetic Matrix, (2010), Living Poets (2010)
- Our Promises, The Stray Branch (2010)
- Our Secrets, Amethyst Arsenic (2011)
- Our Symmetry, The Stray Branch (2010)
- Overwhelmed, Separation, Lost, Ink In Thirds (2018)
- Peanut Butter Toast, The Pay Beach, Quillkeepers Parenting Anthology (2021)
- The Pressure, Pure Francis (2009)
- Radiance, Mused (2019)
- The Silence and Rain, Cathexis Northwest Review (2019)
- Second Chance, Remembered Arts (2019)
- Renewal, Hawaii Pacific Review (2018)
- The Return, The Driftwood Review (2010)
- The Robin, Earthborne (2009)
- Ruins and the Dream, Chicago Literati (2014)
- The Rudder, The Pangolin Review (2018)
- The Sacred Road, Numinous: Spiritual Poetry (2009)
- The Seeker, Whistling Fire (2011)
- Seaside Farm, Your Daily Poem (2009)
- Second Chance, Remembered Arts Journal (2018)
- Song and Seed, Gray Sparrow (2011)
- The Shaman Comforts the Fledgling’s Soul, Mythic Circle (2015)
- The Shaman’s Craft, Mythic Circle (2015)
- The Shaman’s Cure, Fickle Muse (2012)
- The Shaman’s Dream, Fickle Muse (2012)
- The Shaman’s Initiation, MOON Magazine (2017)
- The Shaman’s Journey, Eternal Haunted Summer (2012)
- The Shaman Meets the Man in the Moon, Silver Birch Press (2014)
- The Shaman Meets the Man in the Moon, Mythic Circle (2015)
- The Shaman Meets With the First of the Dead, Paper Cuts (2015)
- The Shaman and the Oracle, Eternal Haunted Summer (2012)
- The Shaman Rises From the Waters of Death, MOON Magazine (2017)
- The Shaman Speaks With the Mother of the Sea Beasts, Paper Cuts (2015)
- The Shape of New Words, Alliterati (2012)
- Silence, Rain, Cathexis Northwest Review (2019)
- Shooting Star, Falling Star Magazine (2009)
- Spring and the Broader Field, Earthborne (2009)
- The Star, Open Thought Vortex (October 2017)
- Star Stone and Blade, Open Thought Vortex (October 2017)
- The Storyteller, Willows Wept Review (2011)
- The Straights, The Driftwood Review (2010)
- Sweet Children of the Moon, Five Fishes (2010)
- The Long Night, Vox Poetica (2009)
- That Summer Storm, Vox Poetica (2009)
- Take my Hand, Gyroscope Review (2019)
- Tight Wire, The Stray Branch (2010)
- Times Like These, Deep Water Review (2014)
- To Horace, Umbrella (2009)
- Under the Stars, The Swimmer, Willows Wept Review, (2020)
- Under the Stars, Vita Brevis (2020)
- Venom, DASH (2019)
- The Visitor, Poets Choice Fleeting Visitor Anthology (2021)
- Walking Late, Blue Heron Review (2018)
- What Joins Us, Clementine (2015)
- What Never Falters, SP Quill (2009)
- What the Cat Thought, Civilized Beasts
- Whitcomb Summit, Poetry Quarterly (2014)
- Winnie, River Poet’s Journal (2010)
- Winter’s End, Earthspeak (2010)