Batman In Honey Again

After a hive’s worth of hurt lovers, you said No more.

There’s no higher crime to fight than my desire. Holy utility belt;


it held a cold shower. When you rescued the brunette

who only wore tears of gratitude, it came in handy, wept you


empty. No lust in the buzzing months of spring. But

they uncoiled so slowly, like royal jelly, and your mind, hive


to light, went out. But not for long. Many stone combs

radiate from your cave. A waif came in, runaway, orphaned


as a sphere of sugary air in honey. Hot as pollen. Not

again. Ignore her pheromone when it sweetens your den.


Go deaf to the flutter of her mustard-colored skirt,

the buzz of its zipper. Hide your eyes from its glisten,


the exoskeleton of her yellow jacket, the bra’s black

vector on your wax Tyrannosaur. No pollen-golden socks


kick and lick in its claws. No, don’t buzz up. Oh, but

you must. Sticky with mystique, tattooed with bat shadows,


she sees you. Go, drone again. Honey drowns the scene.

Later, it will caramelize to memories. Too Hornet-Green


with afterglow to take her home or even ask her name,

let her flutter here. You, tremble-dance in your swarm


of criminals. In the sonar of this romance, they shimmer

amber. Now, the bee-eye moon clouds over. Omen. Get home.


Honey Nameless swarms your most personal of arsenals,

unveils the worst of your souvenirs. From the Riddler’s carnival,


that candy medusa head. It squints. Oh, no. As you zoom in,

she turns way too glittery and white. In the sugar stare


she petrifies. Her last word sparkles in the bitter air: lover.

Search your flower heart for a nectar cure. If, like her,


it’s too sweet to be real, then mourn. Then begin again. You can.