
Jared Schickling’s poetry, criticism, translation, interview, and collaboration have appeared or will in The Argotist, Bombay Gin, Big Bridge, The Café Review, Circumference, ditch, ecopoetics, Exquisite Corpse, H_NGM_N, Jacket, KNOCK (2006 Ecoliterature/Green Art prize), Little Red Leaves, Otoliths, Borderlands: The Texas Poetry Review, Word For/Word, and elsewhere.  He has three books of poetry with BlazeVOX Books, Aurora, submissions, O (2007, 08, 09).  BlazeVOX will publish his manuscript “ZERO’s blooming excursion” in 2010.  He is an editor at New American Press (print), Mayday Magazine (online), Delete Press (letterpress chapbooks), Tarpaulin Sky (online reviews), and Reconfigurations: A Journal for Poetics and Poetry / Literature and Culture (online).