Candles in the Wind

(Written on November 12, 2014, in the midst of a polar vortex, a great wave of arctic cold and snow.)
A shroud of frost
has settled

over the land

hoary mask
of a wintry ancient

whose features unfold
faces of those loved

and lost.

They float before us
specters in a sky

blanched by falling snow.

Their entreaties
beg us to restore

past summers of love
and joy.

In our deep freeze
of grief

we can only wait
for the shroud to lift.

We will keep a vigil
in candles lit

in the heart’s chapel.

We will soon celebrate
a nativity

eternal return
of time and space

person and place

a continuous rebirth.

The candles
whose aureoles hold

all the souls
of those loved and lost

will not be extinguished

by the fateful winds
of winter.

All our candles
will be re-ignited

all will be anointed
in a fragrant rush

                                                            of conifer and musk.