What are the sounds of change?
How many land sounds are cueing you?
What sound do you hear on the Mexico border?
What cries are you ignoring?
What is going on?
What is the sound of war?
Are you listening for boots in sync?
What is your battle anthem?
Is your tempo fast-paced or slow?
If you lay your head on the grooves does it heal or hurt you?
What sound releases you to run free?
What are the sounds of protest?
What is a protest song?
How many protests are songs?
How much is thoughtlessness preventing revolution?
How do you make the revolution care?
What instrument would you choose as your weapon?
What color is your instrument of choice?
Does a voice amplify your instrument’s power?
How closely are you listening to survive?
How often do you listen to those who haven’t survived to keep you keeping on?
Is “keeping on” a protest?
How many protest sounds will it take to make a revolution?
Are you asking the hard questions of your community?