
If I could rub this midnight lamp
            and win three wishes for my words
The first I’d wish is for thy Will
            to pump my heart and through my pen
Thy Wisdom spill, for sentences
            like circling birds: to be your stamp

                        Is my prime wish, to wrestle true
                                    through mud and mire, not like the priest
                        Who idols books, but as a soiled
                                    prophet, a wrestler of tigers,
                        A Samson wielding syllables
                                    that name the beast, sweep clear the view

That ripple like rivers, that sigh.
            As to a second wish -- I’d wish
Upon each page your flow and Grace;
            that from my pen in Beauty’s skirt
Your sway, your swish, your pining winds
            may pierce the age, your tall oaks cry.

                                    In such Beauty, serene, sublime,
                                                that ruffles waves and whitens clouds
                                    Dip my ink, mirror creation,
                                                my paragraphs please harmonize
                                    With eagles proud, give wings to my
                                                imagination; yours make mine.

                        Then, should I hazard one last wish:
                                    to nouns and verbs and adjectives
                        I’d wish for Love’s pure consonants,
                                    for vowels round as wedding rings,
                        For marriage ‘twixt sound and substance
                                    with form caressed, creator kissed.

Or does this wish them all embrace?
            Perhaps a pen in love with words
With content wrapped in lover’s vows
            need not invoke your confidence;
Perhaps in Love my words right placed
            will win your Will, your Love, your Grace.