The Colorado Poet, #27, Summer 2014
Inside issue #27:
The Last Colorado Poet
(Bob King)
While continuing to manage the Colorado Poets Center website and the Facebook page, I’ve decided to cease editing The Colorado Poet with this 27th issue.
I’m faced with a medical diagnosis of cancer and want to spend the rest of my time on my own work. I’ve enjoyed reading books by Colorado poets and interviewing 50 of them, sometimes twice, but it does take a lot of time to digest a book enough to do an interview and time has become a commodity I need to treasure.
If you or a group would like to continue The Colorado Poet or do so in some other form or format and have it distributed through the CPC listserv, let me know.
My motto, incidentally, although I’ve not been able to find the presumably Buddhist source, is: Without hope and without hopelessness. Write well.