Jumbo and Alice (from GREATEST HITS)

Jumbo the Elephant was struck and killed by a freight train at St. Thomas,

Ontario. He was stuffed and continued to be exhibited with his mate, Alice—

Historical Products Calendar

An elephant never forgets his past lives,

or so the Hindu legends say.

One wonders what Jumbo next became,

what soul expansive enough

to house that gently huge body:

at his best, graceful as a whippet

or race horse, though in larger slow motion.

One wonders, too, how Alice felt,

to have the facsimile, never the fact,

before her. Did she at first

trumpet a welcome after his absence,

try to unfreeze him with a flirty

sway of her head and shoulders,

a nudge from her more

than comforting hindquarters?


Perhaps she accepted his immobility,

cumbersome as a mountain to maneuver

around him in their cage or the ring,

no longer a need to shackle his feet

loving to climb the air when children

gaped their mouths wider than his withers.


But perhaps hope thudded dimly

in her heart at the sight of him

in the rain, drops slithering down

his gray forehead she had so loved

to nuzzle. Perhaps she mistook

the water for tears—he too

remembering his last life,

the best one, rolling back to him

behind eyes glittery as marbles

while he waited with the patience

of elephants for his next life to begin.