River Ride in Moab
stiff as a branch
I awaken
perched on a rock overlooking moving waters
bats fly over me
I watch the river flow
‘you are as slow as the river’,
he tells me.
I watch the river
slow is good
I watch the slow moving river carrying me
I spot a leaf on the river
has it caught a ride
was it a willing participant
or did it fall in and learn
to let go
I imagine myself riding the river
on this clear dark night
with Venus twinkling
next to a silver moon
how perfect life is
how utterly beautiful
if I were this leaf swirling
on the Colorado river
how would I see from the center
would I describe my surroundings
what animals would I see on the shores
I sit
spread my body on the river
and float
there are red cliffs encircling me
ravens echoing
when I have not remained alert
whose journey have I missed
as I turn
a fish jumps to lick the moon.