Colorado Poets Center E-Words Issue #15

First Western Colorado Writers Conference

The inaugural Western Colorado Writers Conference, “The Language of This Land,” features Leslie Marmon Silko and David Mason from Oct. 7-9, 2011, in Grand Junction, Colorado. The conference is a benefit for the Western Colorado Writers’ Forum.

Guest writers offering courses include Janice Gould  (“Narrative Impulses in Poetry”), Wendy Videlock (“Totem Poems and the Subconscious Muse”), David Mason (“Entering and Departing the Poem”), Art Goodtimes (Freelancing, Fee-Writing, Blog-Editing, and Advocacy Journalism”), Maria Melendez and Uche Ogbuji (“Building an Audience”), and L. Luis Lopez (“Rhythms in Sports”)

Registration is $200 for WCWF members, $235 for nonmembers, although some events are free and open to the public, noted on the website announcement. Many workshops are limited to 15 so it’s important to register quickly. Registration begins online or by phone through Sept. 23.

For descriptions, schedule, manuscript consultation, fees, scholarships, etc., phone 970-256-4662 or online

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“On the first day of class, the poet Charles Wright used to give his students a copy of Keats’s “Ode on Melancholy” and dare them to find six other poems, by any poet, in any language, that were as remarkable on every register. The task always proved difficult.”

(Lisa Russ Spaar, “Poetic Bloodlines, Chronicle of Higher Education, April 15, 2011)